Research Blog #5
Research Question:
With the college tuition costs always skyrocketing, many students struggle financing their way through college. What are some ways that we can make college more affordable for all? What are some proposed plans to help this issue? Who is benefiting from these high tuition costs, and would there be serious financial repercussions from lowering them?
Works Cited:
Dvorkin, Eli|Bowles. “Deeper in Debt: For-Profit Schools Driving Student Loan Default in NewWall Street 20th Floor, New York, NY 10005. Tel: 212-479-3341; Fax: 212-344-6457; Web Site: Http://, 30 Nov. 2018,
Hansen, Kiese|Shaw. “How States Can Solve the Student Debt Crisis: A Framework for
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Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One
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